Webinar on “Innovative financing, fintech and Islamic financing for recovery and rebuilding” opens new way of approach

The webinar on June 9, 2020 on “Innovative financing, fintech and Islamic financing for recovery and rebuilding” under the webinar series: Building Digital Resilience to Support COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery opens new way of approach in innovative financial management.

Development banks, agencies and financial institutions have redesigned their offerings and created innovative solutions to support national
emergency COVID-19 responses and to restart economies. In the session the participants discussed on what are the new digital innovations, how is FINTECH and Islamic financing enabling inclusive sustainable economic development and what are the priority areas. The session was chaired and moderated by Aspire to Innovate (a2i) and the panel speakers were from: ADB, IsDB, Bangladesh government, MDEC (Malaysia), ICPS (Women in Blockchain). The session engaged the participants to interact with the speakers and other participants to share their experiences, views,concerns and ideas for potential projects and

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