Webinar on “Infrastructure and new standards for tele-medicine” shows way forward

The webinar on June 10, 2020 on Infrastructure and new standards for tele-medicine under the webinar series: Building Digital Resilience to Support COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery shows way forward in managing COVID crisis situation.

Over stretched and weak healthcare systems are impeding COVID-19
response. In the session the participants opined on how is telemedicine helping to
address the gaps,what are the infrastructure requirements, what are the challenges and opportunities to ensure inclusion and access to healthcare services to build back the world better. There were panel speakers from: Bangladesh, Republic of Korea, IEEE, VER2, UNU. The session was moderated and chaired by eWorldwide Group (eWWG). The session engaged the participants to interact with the speakers and other participants to share their experiences, views, concerns and ideas for potential projects and collaborations through south-south cooperation for public service innovation.

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