National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship (NISE) in Somalia

On 11th November 2021, the Federal Republic of Somalia launched the National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship (NISE) platform at the sidelines of the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2021 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Hon’ble Minister for Communications & Technology of Somalia H.E Abdi Sheikh Ahmed and The Hon’ble ICT State Minister of Bangladesh launched the NISE platform together. At the Launching Ceremony, Honorable ICT Affairs Adviser to the Honorable Prime Minister; H.E. Dr. Frank C.S. Anthony, Honorable Minister, Minister of Health Cooperative Republic of Guyana; H.E Naguib G. Sinarimbo, Honorable Minister for the Interior and Local Government (MILG), Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Republic of the Philippines; and Dr. James H. Poisant, Secretary-General of the World Information, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), joined virtually. The Hon’ble State Minister for Environment, Climate Change & Technology of Maldives H.E Mohamed Shareef along with Mr. N M Zeaul Alam PAA Senior Secretary ICT Division of Bangladesh; Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor of the Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme and Mr. Asad Uz Zaman, Policy Specialist, Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme also present there physically.

Under the leadership of the ICT Division of Bangladesh, the a2i programme introduced the National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship (NISE) platform in 2018. National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship (NISE) is a matchmaking platform among the unemployed youth, skills providers, and industries. Real-time data from NISE helps in data-driven decision-making for policymakers. In Bangladesh, NISE has already connected 400,000+ youth, 300+ public-private skills providers, and 1000+ industries.

Currently, the Ministry of Communications and Technology (MOCT), Federal Republic of Somalia, is piloting the NISE platform in Federal Republic of Somalia with a local name called “SHAQO-ABUUR.” The UNDP Somalia and UNDP Chief Digital Office (CDO) have provided the technical support for piloting. a2i Bangladesh is providing technical and knowledge support to the Somalia Government. The NISE platform will help collect real-time data to make data-driven decisions for policymakers in Somalia and help the citizens access the skills development method.