myGov platform Launched in the Republic of Philippines

On 11th November 2021, the Republic of the Philippines launched the myGov platform at the sidelines of the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2021 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. H.E Naguib G. Sinarimbo, Honorable Minister for the Interior and Local Government (MILG), Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Republic of the Philippines joined virtually with Hon’ble ICT State Minister of Bangladesh and H. E. Ambassador Alan L. Deniega, Embassy of the Philippines, Dhaka Bangladesh, physically joined to launch the myGov platform. At the Launching Ceremony, Honorable ICT Affairs Adviser to the Honorable Prime Minister; H.E. Dr. Frank C.S. Anthony, Honorable Minister, Minister of Health Cooperative Republic of Guyana; and Dr. James H. Poisant, Secretary-General of the World Information, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), joined virtually. H.E Abdi Sheikh Ahmed, Hon’ble Minister for Communications & Technology of Somalia along with H.E Mohamed Shareef, the Hon’ble State Minister for Environment, Climate Change & Technology of Maldives; Mr. N M Zeaul Alam PAA Senior Secretary ICT Division of Bangladesh; Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor of the Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme and Mr. Asad Uz Zaman, Policy Specialist, Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme also present there physically.

myGov initiative is a one-stop solution designed to ensure that Government services are made readily available to citizens. myGov, having multiple access mechanisms irrespective of device, time, and location, was launched by the honorable prime minister in January 2020.  The initiative aims to reduce TCV (time cost visit) of citizens by developing a centralized digital platform and by utilizing domestic technology development. It also aims to increase access to information achieving greater productive capacity and good governance at all levels.

The Ministry of Interior & Local Government (MILG), Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Republic of the Philippines, and UNDP Philippines developed the five years plan called Localizing e-Government for Accelerated Provision of Services (LeAPS). Under the LeAPS project, MILG, the Republic of the Philippines, and UNDP Philippines are currently piloting the myGov with a customized version called “Digital Bangsamoro Portal” in the BARMM. The a2i Bangladesh is providing technical and knowledge support to the BARMM Government. With the establishment of the myGov platform in BARMM, the citizens will get access to government services from one single platform.

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