OECD and South-South Network for Public Service Innovation (SSN4PSI) event on innovation in low and middle-income countries: Innovation for Development: Towards New Forms of Partnerships, 2021
An event, co-organized by the OECD Innovation for Development Facility, the South-South Network for Public Service Innovation (SSNPSI) and International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA), will highlight innovations and the work of innovators across sectors from LICs and MICs. Specifically, a joined event aims at:
- Showcasing a selected number of specific innovations generated, tested and scaled in LICs and MICs.
- Highlighting mechanisms to support innovators in LICs and MICs and efforts to better understand LIC and MIC innovation contributions and outcomes in a participatory way rather than solely by imposing externally defined criteria and indicators.
- Discussing opportunities to further improve the support of LIC and MIC innovation with representatives from bilateral development agencies and philanthropic organizations.
- Engaging Innovation officers of bilateral development agencies with SSN4PSI to support the network and its objectives.
- Promoting South-South and Triangular cooperation.
Event registration closed.
Date And Time
2021-11-30 @
12:00 AM to
2021-12-02 @
01:30 AM
Event Types
Event Category